Monday, January 3, 2011

Drawing Basic Shapes with HTML5 Canvas (last Part)

Welcome back to another edition of "Drawing Basic Shapes with HTML5 Canvas." Here are the links to the first three parts: part 1, part 2 and part 3

This post will cover the last part of the series. Specifically, we'll draw a circle using HTML5 Canvas. If you find the explanation difficult to understand, please review the previous parts of the tutorial. I covered a lot of basic information in those parts.

Alright, here we go!


As usual, please check out the code first and try to see if you can understand it. Then, you can read the explanation.

      <canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="100" style="border:1px solid #c3c3c3;">
        Your browser does not support the canvas element.
      <script type="text/javascript">
        var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
        var cxt=c.getContext("2d");
<canvas>: as usual, we define a canvas with specified dimension and id. We also make the canvas border visible for easy drawing.

<script>: we first get a reference to our canvas and then get the its 2D drawing context. If you don't know what a context is, please review the second part of the tutorial. 

  1. fillStyle(): use red color to fill our circle.
  2. beginPath(): this method creates a new path for custom drawings. What is a path? It is a collection of different sketches and strokes. A shape is considered a path because a shape is made up of many different strokes (lines, arcs, ...). Each path has its own properties such as stroke color and fill color. 
  3. arc(): draw an arc or a circle. The full method signature is arc( center_x, center_y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise). 
center_x and center_y: the coordinates of the center of the circle or arc. 
radius: radius of the circle / arc.
startAngle and endAngle: start and end point of the circle / arc in radian. If you forgot your trigonometry,  use this JavaScript formula to convert degree to radian (Math.Pi / 180) * degree. Since we draw circle, we need to start our angle at 0 and end our angle at 360 degree or PI * 2. 
antiClockwise: a boolean that is true to draw the circle / arc anti-clockwise and false to do the opposite.
closePath(): end the path after we has done our drawing. When drawing many different shapes on the same canvas, we must call beginPath() and closePath() for each shape.
fill(): fill our circle with specified color (red).
Here is a picture. Hope it helps to clear up any confusion:

Well, that concludes our tutorial. If you have any question / suggestion please leave it in the comment below. 

I'm preparing for more advanced tutorial on HTML5 Canvas! So check back for more goodies later :)


  1. its very nice its helped me alot ,,,,,,,,,


  2. It's awesome explanation i got all my doubts clear...thank you so much,,i will come by your blog to learn i am learning HTML5 these ya you keep going and all the best for every step you take,,
